這首歌出自於Tori Amos 2005的專輯,"the beekeeper."
她是我最喜歡的歌手之一,她的歌旋律都很美,像是對你訴說一段故事,本身的音色也很獨特,非常有穿透力,很能感動人心。情感時而強烈,卻不是以雄厚的音色,高亢的吶喊去震撼你,時而溫柔,卻仍感到那份溫柔中的堅定。 這首"sleeps with butterflies"音樂一下去,既使前首歌你還聽著熱鬧的搖滾或重金屬,馬上就讓你溶入河岸午后斜陽映射的熠熠光芒之中,非常地美麗而平靜。旋律雖是這麼慵懶,但歌詞內容確是非常綿密而真切的情感,她的歌詞總是要讓我看好幾遍才能了解文字的喻意,一方面語言有隔閡,一方面她的確是用滿多譬喻,轉化修辭,但了解之後再配著音樂聽,真的很難不為他的才華著迷。
"Sleeps With Butterflies"
Take you away again
Are you flying
Above where we live
Then I look up a glare in my eyes
Are you having regrets about last night
I'm not but I like rivers that rush in
So then I dove in
Is there trouble ahead
For you the acrobat
I won't push you unless you have a net
You say the word
You know I will find you
Or if you need some time
I don't mind
I don't hold on
To the tail of your kite
I'm not like the girls that you've known
But I believe I'm worth coming home to
Kiss away night
This girl only sleeps with butterflies
With butterflies
So go on and fly then boy
Look good from on the ground
I fear with pins and needles around
We may fall then stumble
Upon a carousel
It could take us anywhere
I'm not like the girls that you've known
But I believe I'm worth coming home to
Kiss away night
This girl only sleeps with butterflies
With butterflies
With butterflies
So go on and fly boy
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