最近在看BBC影集"Mistresses",配樂還不錯,有現代音樂,居然也有Judy Garland的歌曲,不過茱蒂阿姨不是今天的重點,雖然我也很愛她。
配樂中"I never loved nobody fully..." 的旋律與聲音太讓我著迷,在毫無線索之下,在google輸入歌詞找到歌名"Fidelity"及演唱歌手-Regina Spektor, 1980年在俄羅斯出生,九歲隨家人移居至紐約Bronx的歌手也是鋼琴作曲家,雙親都是音樂人,作曲風格偏向Anti-folk, Indie rock, Acoustic,由於父母親及成長過程受到搖滾樂的影響,造就她深厚的音樂底子以及創作靈感。一般人會將她與Tori Amos及Fiona Apple兩位歌手鋼琴家做比較,或是將她的演唱風格歸類與Bjork相近,但Regina曾表示她在音樂上非常努力,寧可不要勉強讓所有創作成為某一類型,也要確保自己的每一首歌擁有自己的風格。她的歌曲主要是以英語演繹,但歌詞中也會出現拉丁文,俄文或法文的詞句,大部分敘述的內容包括愛,死亡,信仰,以及紐約的城市生活。
well,以上是我快速翻譯幾小段她在wikipedia上的資料,基本上我不覺得他像Tori Amos或是Fiona Apple,頂多就是都會彈鋼琴吧,Bjork其實也不太像,這三位歌手我都滿喜歡的,但憑良心說,四位風格還真不相同,但都是曲風鮮明的創作歌手,Regina的聲音雖然也是有用一點點氣音(真的只有一點點)但整個感覺是溫暖渾圓,很真摯的情感流露,點點她的官網聽她的音樂唷!目前聽起來她最新一張專輯"begin to hope"還滿多元的,抒情到俏皮都有,她的歌曲也出現在一些影集或電影中,最近是在電影納尼亞傳奇:賈斯潘王子中"the call",電影我還沒看過,但會注意一下歌曲。
If I kiss you where it's sore
If I kiss you where it's sore
Will you feel better, better, better
Will you feel anything at all
Will you feel better, better, better
Will you feel anything at all
Born like sisters to this world
In a town where blood ties are only blood
If you never say your name out loud to anyone
They can never ever call you by it
If I kiss you where it's sore
If I kiss you where it's sore
Will you feel better, better, better
Will you feel anything at all
Will you feel better, better, better
Will you feel anything at all
You're getting sadder, getting sadder, getting sadder, getting sadder
And I don't understand, and I don't understand
But if I kiss you where it's sore
If I kiss you where it's sore
Will you feel better, better, better
Will you feel anything at all
Will you feel better, better, better
Will you feel anything at all
Anything at all
Will you feel anything at all
Anything at all
Will you feel anything at all
Anything at all...
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